Privacy Policy

Information notice on personal data processing

Dear Sir / Dear Madam,

In accordance with the applicable provisions on data protection of personal data, including Regulation 2016/679/EU of 27 April 2016 (“GDPR”), the company Safilo Group S.p.A., as data controller (the “Data Controller”), informs you that your personal data by you directly provided to us or collected by us from third parties will be the subject of data processing.

  1. Purposes and legal basis for processing

    1.1 Collection of pre-contractual information, including economic and financial evaluation; negotiations; correct management of the contractual relationship and the related obligations, management of the correspondence, also by means of electronic communication, concerning your business relationship and the respective products and / or services, and, in any event, any other activity necessary and connected to the performance of the contract and to the safeguard of the data controller’s rights;

    1.2 fulfillment of legal and regulatory requirements, accounting, tax, social security or any other obligations related to the above;

    1.3 establishment and management of loan relationships relating to the contracts, including verification of the successful outcome of the payment methods issued;

    1.4 sending communications for the verification of counterparty satisfaction and other market analysis;

    1.5 sending communications to promote commercial offers and promotions (direct marketing), on the telephone and on the email channel.

    The legal basis for the purposes of points 1.1 to 1.4 is therefore the execution of pre-contractual and contractual activities, where not already required by legal obligations, the data provided will be used exclusively for accounting and administrative purposes. The legal basis for the purpose of point 1.5 is the explicit consent of the data subject that can be changed or revoked in the specific consent page.

  2. Categories of processed data

    Safilo will not manage or collect information about individuals as any related accounts and services are relevant to commercial companies or legal entities. This also applies when Safilo manages data relating to natural persons, such as employees of a company / organization, company email addresses such as "" or company telephone numbers of employees in the performance of a professional activity.

    The data processed therefore relate only to the personal data (company name, shipping address, telephone contacts, email, contractual data, payment, tax and banking data, etc.) of legal companies excluded from the scope of the GDPR.

  3. Recipients of personal data

    Data provided could be disclosed to employees and collaborators of the Data Controller and to those of other Safilo Group companies participating in the logistic and commercial production cycle, as know you, as well as of other third parties appointed as data processors (data-processing companies, banks, logistic service, professional consultants) or independent data controllers (third counterparts of the Data controller).

  4. Whether the provision of personal data is obliged or not and consequences of failure to provide them

    The provision of data relating to points 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 is optional, however it is necessary for the execution of pre-contractual activities or the reciprocal obligations deriving from existing contracts; without such information, in fact, it will not be possible to proceed with the execution of the contract. The provision of data relating to point 1.5 is optional.

  5. Data transfer outside the European Economic Area (EEA)

    For the above purposes and based on adequate intra-group safeguards, personal data may be transferred to third countries outside the EEA, where Safilo companies are present. The list of Safilo companies(with the information for each of them whether a decision of the European Commission stating an adequate level of personal data protection exists in the respective country), as well as a copy of the intra-group safeguards can be required at the following email address:

  6. Data retention period

    For a period of 10 years from termination of the contractual relationship.

  7. Identity and contact details of the controller and Data Protection Officer

    Registered office in Padova, via Settima Strada n. 15, 35129, tel +39 049 698 5111 fax +39 049 698 5360, email

    The Data controller has appointed a Data Protection Officer who may be reached at email, phone +39 338 9359264

  8. Your rights

    As data subject, you have the right to ask for confirmation whether any data processing took place concerning you. You have the right to request from the Data controller, pursuant to law, access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction, pending safeguard of your rights, of processing concerning you. You can also object to processing as well as request transmission in an electronic format, to you or a third party, of your personal data. The above rights may be enforced by sending a request to

    You have also the right to lodge a complaint with the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (Italian Data Protection Authority).